Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Elders of Kalimdor

I might be starting on a fool’s errand for looking for all of the Elders that have appeared all over the world but who cares, how long has it been since I last toured Azeroth? A lot of things could have happened while I was at Draenor.
I started with Kalimdor since I’m already here and it is also predominantly Horde, making it easier to travel. To the far south of the continent lies Uldum, a land that opened because of Deathwing’s cataclysm. It is the home of the Tol’vir. 

Talk about ancient races, these beings are created by the titans to shape the world. These ancient ruin was also the stage for one of my misadventure with Harrison Jones, a very funny human with a nose for treasure. I wouldn’t mind going on an adventure with him sometime soon.

Next place to visit is the Un’goro crater. An ancient rainforest and home for some overgrown lizards. The Silithid also made this place their home hence the different insect structures in the forest. This place is connected to the titans in some way. If you look hard enough, you could actually find evidence of their devices around the crater.

On my way to Gadgetzan, I passed by the old gate to Uldum. It used to be sealed but no seal is safe from the cataclysm and ingenious adventurers. The elder here stands before the ruined gate, she seems to be reminiscing about the past and the significance of sealing off Uldum. Time causes change and even the titans are powerless against it.

Gadgetzan is now closer to the sea due to Deathwing. The goblins are slowly adapting to this new environment, maybe too quickly. The elder is standing near the dome, a prominent landmark of the city.

I miss the shimmering flats, the remains of an old salt lake. Deathwing allowed the sea to enter the area and now the salt lake is now part of the sea. The goblins are amazing in this area, they made their settlement float to adapt to the flooding of the area. Thankfully, the elder decided to take a ride on one of their boat instead to staying on the sea floor.

Freewind post used to be under Horde control, to my surprise a bunch of grimtotem taurens are now in control of it. Thankfully I was able to quickly drop by and speak to the elder by the tent before the taurens noticed me.

Feralas is next on the list. A forest with a lot of ancient night elf architecture. The elders here chose to appear near such ruins. It might have something to do with what happened here in the past but the elders refused to delve deeper on this matter. Maybe I could find another reliable source… Maybe….

I passed by Silithus to find more elders. This place is full of bugs and more night elves. The silithid have been stopped but their presence still lingers here. The taint of the Old Gods might actually be worse than that of the Lich King. I was able to take a good shot with one of the elder on a moonwell. The mana given off by the moonwell is subtle and calming, I prefer more powerful sources though.

Finally on my way to civilization, if you can call huts in a plateau civilization then Thunder Bluffs is the epitome of culture. This place is nice and peaceful, compared to the noise of Ogrimmar and the secrecy of Silvermoon. People here are simple and sometimes that’s good enough. The elder here has pet phoenix, maybe someday I can raise one like the prince.

The barrens have changed a lot ever since Deathwing came, and then Garrosh made his mark as well. This place has been through a lot in our time and maybe even thousands of years ago these elders might have also fought in these plains. Ratchet, a neutral goblin city is one of the many witness that probably made quite a profit from the events in the area.

I am finally on my way back to Ogrimmar. I stopped by Razor Hill, to talk to an elder there before returning to where I felt the presence of an elder even before I knew of their existence. The Orcs are foreigner to Azeroth and thus even in Ogrimmar, capital city of the orcs, the elder here is a Tauren.

North of Ogrimmar is Azshara, named after the Queen of the Night Elves. Goblins have settled the area and many of the ruins here are being disturbed by the goblins and nagas. The elder here chose a great spot, beneath what used to be and ancient colossus.

I went further north to Winterspring, a winter wonderland that is actually very hospitable compared to the chills of Northrend. Many more ruins of the ancient night elves still dot the terrain and even restless spirits still haunt them. Thankfully the elders are not influenced by the malice of the other spirits. I would like to explore these ruins sometime but right now I still have a quest to complete.

Just south of Winterspring is Mount Hyjal. This place is famous for the World Tree as well as the World Well. It survived 2 sieges from the Burning Legion and one more from Ragnaros. I consider this the center of the world. If this place falls, I’m pretty sure most of our hope is gone. We then need to depend on outside forces for aid. Thankfully it is well defended by the druids of the Cenarion Circle and the shamans of the Earthen Ring as well as the dragon aspects.

East of Mount Hyjal lies the fel infused forest of Felwood. I really feel at home in these woods… So much fel magic is here that I don’t even need to do anything to get my fill with the stuff. Fel magic has corrupted this place to such degree that even when the burning legion was defeated, this place still reeks with the foul magic. Demons and their cult control most of the area and even the local elves are having trouble snuffing them out. Warlocks once used this place to master their demon control but since the elves here are starting to get more foothold, we need to move out.

2 more elders remain and they are in Teldrassil. The capital of the Night Elves. I can’t take the boat as Horde but I could sneak in by flying. The elders don’t seem to care that I am a Blood Elf in Night Elf territory but with these two, I have met all the elders of Kalimdor.

Next Stop, the Undercity

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